D.Y6: SuperHot.exe is a VIRUS!

On 10/21, a new Game Theory video was released. During the cold open, the upside-down Game Theory logo appears, indicating that a clue is probably hidden in the video. This clue has not yet been found.

Some have theorized that the opening crawl text "that's just a theory" vs "that's not just a theory" represents binary and therefore transliterated "01010100 01101000 01100101 0100000 0110011 01101100 01110101 01100101 001000 0101001011001101000 0110000 01110101 011001001110000 0110100 0100101" which, besides the first four characters "the ", has no discernable meaning as of yet. Theorists have added extra binary to create the 8 necessary to make a letter, but there has been no evidence showing how they got the binary to add in.

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