On 12/20, the first beta gate opened which displayed 3 keys to be solved.
1: tenretniolleh
A picture appeared which required you to up the exposure which displayed the custom cypher. After translating it, theorists found that it was ollehtenretni.
2: red is one obvy
The video of youareprepared was shown as the media, and below the player, the text "Complete this sentence: BLACK IS ZERO... Theorists found that this was corresponding to the code thing they found in one of the frames, so they completeed the sentence with the rest of the instructions in the frame, "red is one obvy".
3: V29udCBjcmFzaCBUSElTIHRpbWUh
The third key media was a video named "break me". It showed text on screen saying "have you come to break my game?" and then played the REGULAR Game Theory intro. There was weird noises in the background, so theorists put it into a spectrogram viewer and found It looks like a regular 404 page, but it has an image instead of text which has the name "V29udCBjcmFzaCBUSElTIHRpbWUh.png". If you decide to go further into deciphering it, you get more of the glyphs and then see that it tells you to type in the name of the file. Most theorists got tricked by the "l" looking like an uppercase "I'.
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