D.G1: leaderboard

The leaderboard page consists of

Previously, on 11/01, the gateway site updated to be a leaderboard that looks a lot like the wireframe from pre:D.E2. As the gates had not yet started, all leaderboard entries were fake accounts. All the times were ∞ and all the keys were 0. The ten fake accounts were:

  1. This Couldbe <YÖU>

  2. SpaghettiSteph

  3. MatPatGT <whyamiin3rdplace>

  4. P33PÅÇ╬µ

  5. 6e6f636c75657368657265


  7. ÑØSc0ttÝ0uÇantÞlayMYGAME

  8. GUYS <Seriously>

  9. Stop»Lookingfor»Clueshere

  10. FineHeresOneClue <707379636865>

The hex in 5 is ASCII for noclueshere and the hex in 10 is ASCII for psyche. Some have noted that "psyche" is technically not the correct spelling of "sike" (or "psych") and that psyche, pronounced sai-key, is instead a term for the human soul and mind (think psychology).

Last updated

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